A Serverless plugin specifically designed to set up domains for your static website (not API Gateway). It creates Route 53 entries that point to your Cloudfront Distribution.
- Maps both HTTP & HTTPS non-www variants of your domain to
- Works alongside other popular plugins:
- serverless-certificate-creator
- serverless-s3-sync
- serverless-cloudfront-invalidate
- Simple examples in /examples folder
This plugin requires that you use at serverless v3 as it relies on variableResolutionMode 20210326
Before running you must manually create a Hosted Zone in Route 53. with domain name
How to use?
Add the plugin to your serverless.yml
plugins: -serverless-website-domain
Add plugin configuration to serverless.yml
custom: domainComponents: #Key not needed, just used as example. withWWW: www.${self:custom.domainComponents.withoutWWW} withoutWWW: websiteDomain: disabled: false # defaults to false. enable to prevent DNS changes if needed (e.g. per env) cloudfrontOutputKey: 'yourCloudfrontDomainName' domain: ${self:custom.domainComponents.withWWW} #must be hostedZoneDomain or subdomain of it edgeLambda: basicAuthCredentials: ${env:BASIC_AUTH_CREDENTIALS} #e.g user/password redirect: from: ${self:custom.domainComponents.withoutWWW} to: https://${self:custom.domainComponents.withWWW}variablesResolutionMode: 20210326resources: Outputs: yourCloudfrontDomainName: Value: 'Fn::GetAtt': [ CloudFrontDistribution, DomainName ] Resources CloudFrontDistribution: Type: AWS::CloudFront::Distribution Properties: DistributionConfig: Aliases: - ${self:custom.domainComponents.withWWW} - ${self:custom.domainComponents.withoutWWW} DefaultCacheBehavior: LambdaFunctionAssociations: - EventType: viewer-request LambdaFunctionARN: ${websiteDomain(edgeLambdaArn)} ViewerCertificate: #manually specify ARN: AcmCertificateArn: ${certificate(${self:custom.customCertificate.certificateName}):CertificateArn}
How to run
To create the domain
serverless create-edge-lambda #If you are using custom.websiteDomain.edgeLambdaserverless deploy #Called in after:deploy hook
There are also other manual commands you can run:
serverless remove-domainserverless create-domainserverless remove-edge-lambda
will also be called automatically by serverless deploy
during the after:deploy hook. The recommended approach is to not use 'createDomain' and instead let it run automatically during deploy as it is dependent on the Cloudfront distribution first being deployed.
If you are using alongside serverless-certificate-creator you should call serverless create-cert
before serverless create-redirect
. You must also ensure that you include both www & non-www variants in subjectAlternativeNames. E.G:
customCertificate: certificateName: ${self:custom.domainComponents.withWWW} hostedZoneNames: ${env:AWS_ROUTE53_HOSTED_ZONE_DOMAIN_NAME}. subjectAlternativeNames: - '${self:custom.domainComponents.withoutWWW}'
It's highly recommended to look at the files in the examples directory to start with. It shows how to use this plugin alongside serverless-certificate-creator, serverless-s3-sync & serverless-cloudfront-invalidate for a full solution including environment specific domains (e.g
Name | Required | Data Type | Default | Description |
cloudfrontOutputKey | Y | String | Should match key in resource.outputs which contains Cloudfront domain name (e.g 'Fn::GetAtt': [ CloudFrontDistribution, DomainName ]). | |
domain | Y | String | The domain you want to create. (e.g or Must exist under hosted zone of hostedZoneId. | |
edgeLambda | N | Object | NULL | Parent property |
basicAuthCredentials | N | String | NULL | Specify to guard website with basic auth. Separate username & password with '/' or use 'false' to disable. |
redirect | N | Object | NULL | Parent property. |
redirect.from | Y | Object | NULL | Required if .redirect set. 'It will be matched against lambda[0]. It will also create a route 53 A & AAAA record for it. If you want to redirect from to just enter '' here. | | Y | Object | NULL | Required if .redirect set. It is the full destination URL including protocol. (E.G . |