Serverless plugin
Register and pipe the logs of one lambda to another to process.
Make sure you have Node.js v4.0+ and Serverless Framework installed Install plugin in the root level of your Serverless project
Supports only Serverless@^1.0.0, lower versions are incompatible
npm install --save-dev serverless-subscription-filter
Append the plugin's name to serverless plugins list in serverless.yml
plugins: - serverless-subscription-filter
Current supports:
- Register a subscription filter for a lambda by its name
- Remove a subscription filter for a lambda using its name and the filter name
Incoming supports:
- Load settings from a file by path
- Batch + Async execution
- More? Bring it on!
serverless subscriptionfilter register --function sourceFunction --target targetFunction --pattern patternToFilter --name nameOfTheFilter
-f --function
The source function's name, name are how you describe in serverless.yml
-t --target
The target function's name, name are how you describe in serverless.yml
-p --pattern
The pattern to filter for
-n --name
Name of the subscription filter