Setups up SQS fifo queues - at the time of this writing cloud formation does not support them, so serverless does not support them. This is considered a stop gap until cloudformation provides support.
Add the yaml to create the queues in custom.sqs.queues, then reference the queue arn & url via the <logical_name>.<url|arn>, as below with custom.sqs.queues.deaLetterQueue.arn
, custom.sqs.queues.deaLetterQueue.url
, custom.sqs.queues.applicationQueue.arn
, custom.sqs.queues.applicationQueue.url
. The queue's are created in the order they are specified and deleted in the reverse order they are specified. This is important for depdenencies. The below example includes a modified s3 crypt mod from
plugins: - serverless-crypt - serverless-sqs-fifocustom: variables: local: ${file(./config/local.json)} crypt: keyId: ${self:custom.variables.${self:provider.stage}.kms.key} location: "s3://${self:provider.deploymentBucket}/crypt/${self:provider.stage}/serverless-crypt.json" sqs: queues: deadLetterQueue: QueueName: ${self:service}-DeadLetterQueue.fifo Properties: ContentBasedDeduplication: true FifoQueue: True DelaySeconds: 0 MaximumMessageSize: 262144 MessageRetentionPeriod: 1209600 ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: 20 VisibilityTimeout: 170 applicationQueue: QueueName: ${self:service}-ApplicationQueue.fifo Properties: ContentBasedDeduplication: true FifoQueue: True DelaySeconds: 0 MaximumMessageSize: 262144 MessageRetentionPeriod: 1209600 ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: 20 RedrivePolicy: deadLetterTargetArn: custom.sqs.queues.deaLetterQueue.arn maxReceiveCount: 2 VisibilityTimeout: 170provider: name: aws runtime: nodejs4.3 stage: ${env:STAGE} # Set the default stage used. Default is dev region: ${env:AWS_REGION} # Overwrite the default region used. Default is us-east-1 profile: ${env:AWS_PROFILE} # The default profile to use with this service memorySize: 512 # Overwrite the default memory size. Default is 1024 timeout: 30 # The default is 6 deploymentBucket: ${env:STAGE}-serverless-${env:AWS_ACCOUNT}-${self:provider.region}.deploy # Deployment bucket name. Default is generated by the framework versionFunctions: true # Optional function versioning environment: # Service wide environment variables CRYPT_LOCATION: "${self:custom.crypt.location}" stackTags: # Optional CF stack tags env: ${env:STAGE} service: ${self:service} iamRoleStatements: # IAM role statements so that services can be accessed in the AWS account - Effect: 'Allow' Action: - 'kms:decrypt' Resource: - Fn::Join: [":", [ "arn:aws:kms", {"Ref": "AWS::Region"}, {"Ref": "AWS::AccountId"}, "key/${self:custom.variables.${self:provider.stage}.kms.key}"] ] - Effect: 'Allow' Action: - 's3:Get*' Resource: - "arn:aws:s3:::${self:provider.deploymentBucket}/crypt/${self:provider.stage}/serverless-crypt.json" - Effect: "Allow" Action: - "sqs:ChangeMessageVisibility" - "sqs:ChangeMessageVisibilityBatch" - "sqs:DeleteMessage" - "sqs:DeleteMessageBatch" - "sqs:GetQueueAttributes" - "sqs:GetQueueUrl" - "sqs:ReceiveMessage" - "sqs:SendMessage" - "sqs:SendMessageBatch" Resource: - custom.sqs.queues.applicationQueue.arn - custom.sqs.queues.deadapplicationQueue.arnfunctions: processQueue: handler: processQueue.handler memorySize: 128 # memorySize for this specific function. timeout: 240 # Timeout for this specific function. Overrides the default set above. environment: # Function level environment variables SANDBOX: 1 QUEUE_URL: custom.sqs.queues.applicationQueue.url events: - schedule: rate: rate(1 minute) # Keep this frequent cause we want lambdas to be around to deal with failures enabled: true - sns: topicName: "R${env:STAGE}TriggerProcessQueue" displayName: "trigger" enabled: true