Serverless Remote JSON Envs
This Serverless Framework Plugin allows to use plain JSON files in remote locations being parsed as environment variables in lambda, this unlocks ability to do integrations with anothers services and/or SSM ParameterStore to save many environment variables in a single parameters key as a JSON.
Run serverless plugin install
in your Serverless project.
serverless plugin install -n serverless-remote-json-envs
Supported AWS services
- SSM ParameterStore
- S3
Define YAML configuration within custom block as:
[...][...]custom: RemoteJSONEnvs: provider: aws: SSMParameterStore: - key: /my/secret/one secretJSONKey: 'secretos' - key: /my/secret/two secretJSONKey: 'secrets' - key: /my/secret/three secretJSONKey: 'secrets'[...][...]
[...][...]custom: RemoteJSONEnvs: provider: aws: S3: - key: mybucketname/myenvsfile.json secretJSONKey: 'secretos'[...][...]
You can add as many keys as you need
secretJSONKey: is the root JSON key where you secrets are stored inside your JSON file E.G:
{ "secrets":{ "ENVIRONTMENT":"lifeisgood", "MICROSERVICE_URL":"", "RATE_LIMIT":"420" } }
Lambda envs will end up like this: