Serverless simulation plugin

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This is a proof of concept to see if we can replicate Amazon API Gateway using docker images to run lambda


  • λ runtimes supported by docker-lambda.
  • CORS
  • Authorizer
    • Custom Authorizer supported
    • Coginito Authorizer not implemented yet
  • Lambda Integration
    • Velocity templates support. supported
  • Lambda Proxy Integration. supported


Getting Started

Install the plugin

npm i --save-dev serverless-plugin-simulate

Configure your service to use the plugin

service: my-service
name: aws
runtime: nodejs4.3 # python2.7 is also supported
# this is optional configurations
# servicesPathDest is use for the case u want to compile all your src and out
# put to another folder like dist
# services allows specifying a docker-compose.yml file and (optional)
# projectName. This will start the docker-compose stack when simulate is run.
# If projectName is specified, it will be used when running docker-compose,
# and the default docker-compose network will be passed to lambda docker commands
# allowing all lambdas to access any hosts defined in docker-compose services
dist: dist
file: docker-compose.yml
# will use: $ docker-compose --project-name myproject ...
# and: $ docker --network myproject_default ...
projectName: myproject
- serverless-plugin-simulate

If you do not need to chain functions locally you can just run the API Gateway simulation by itself.

sls simulate apigateway -p 5000

Using the Lambda simulator

If you want to chain functions locally, you need to use the Lambda Simulator.

Run the Lambda Simulation

sls simulate lambda -p 4000

Run the API Gateway Simulation

sls simulate apigateway -p 5000 --lambda-port 4000

Use the environment variables to configure the AWS SDK to use the local Lambda simulation. You can use the same technique with any other AWS SDK.

const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const endpoint = process.env.SERVERLESS_SIMULATE ?
const lambda = new AWS.Lambda({ endpoint })
const handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const params = {
FunctionName: 'my-other-function',
Payload: JSON.stringify({ foo: 'bar' })
lambda.invoke(params, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
return callback(err)
callback(null, {
statusCode: 200,
body: result.Payload


See the examples folder for examples.

  • npm install - Installs all dependencies
  • npm start - Starts API Gateway simulation listening at http://localhost:5000
  • npm run start:lambda - Starts Lambda simulation listening at http://localhost:4000
  • npm run start:apigateway - Starts API Gateway simulation that uses the Lambda simulation listening at http://localhost:5000
  • npm run start:services - Starts mock services defined in docker-compose.yml
  • npm test - tests custom authorizer (Authorization:TOKEN 12345)


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


Please create an issue before submitting an Pull Request.


This would not be possible without lambci

  • docker-lambda - Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment

@johncmckim for suggesting the idea