This plugin is Serverless variables reimagined, making them composable and easier to manage. It automatically scans for variables.yml
and environment.yml
files in your service directory to assign custom and environment variables in your service. In addition, it easily allows for stage specific overrides by loading variables.stage.yml
and environment.stage.yml
where stage
is your deployment stage, like beta
or prod
yarn add -D serverless-plugin-composed-vars
Add serverless-plugin-composed-vars
as the first plugin in your serverless.yml file:
plugins: - serverless-plugin-composed-vars - other-serverless-plugin
Custom Variables
Create a variables.yml
file for default variable definitions:
# variables.ymlmyServiceName: Always My ServicemyEndpoint: beta.endpoint.comwebpack: webpackConfig: 'beta-webpack.config.js' includeModules: true packager: yarn
Create a stage specific variable file:
# prod.endpoint.comwebpack: webpackConfig: 'webpack.config.js' includeModules: false
stage environments will result in:
myServiceName: Always My ServicemyEndpoint: prod.endpoint.comwebpack: webpackConfig: 'webpack.config.js' includeModules: false packager: yarn
Environment Variables
Create an environment.yml
file for default definitions:
# environment.ymlMY_ENDPOINT: ${self:custom.myEndpoint}STAGE: beta
Create a stage specific environment file:
# prod
stage environments will result in:
MY_ENDPOINT:: ${self:custom.myEndpoint}STAGE: prod
Supported File Extensions
- yml
- yaml
- js
- json
Advanced Usage
Service File Definitions
You can additionally define custom variables and environment variables in your service file. Note that these have the least priority and will be overridden by variables.yml
and environment.yml
# serverless.ymlcustom: googlesWebsite: myEndpoint: dev.endpoint.comprovider: environment: THE_ANSWER_IS: 42 STAGE: dev
Using the examples above, prod
stage environments will result in:
# Custom VariablesgooglesWebsite: Always My ServicemyEndpoint: prod.endpoint.comwebpack: webpackConfig: 'webpack.config.js' includeModules: false packager: yarn
# Environment VariablesTHE_ANSWER_IS: 42MY_ENDPOINT:: ${self:custom.myEndpoint}STAGE: prod
Alternate File Location
If you'd like to specify a different directory or variable file name, just add a file reference for custom
or environment
# serverless.ymlcustom: ${file(./different/path/custom.yml)}provider: environment: ${file(./different/path/env.yml)}
In this example, variables will be overridden with stage specific definitions defined in the following files:
Custom: ./different/path/custom.stage.yml
Environment: ./different/path/env.stage.yml
You can troubleshoot your variable setup by running the composed-vars merged
and composed-vars computed
commands. For example, npx serverless composed-vars merged
will output the merged variables before any of the reference properties are computed. Whereas npx serverless composed-vars computed
will output the fully computed values.
will only override custom variables and environment variables defined in main service file: serverless.yml
. It does not perform an expansive search to override outside of the custom
and environment
definitions. Below are some examples that won't be overridden. However, with the structure of serverless-plugin-composed-vars
, all of them can easily be handled by moving the definitions to the variables.yml
Functions and Resources
# serverless.ymlplugins: - serverless-plugin-composed-varsprovider: stackName: ${file(./another-var-file.yml):stackName}functions: hello: handler: handler.hello events: ${file(./hello-events.yml)} hi: handler: handler.hi events: - schedule: ${file(./schedule-vars.yml):globalSchedule}resources: Resources: itemsTable: ${file(./items-table-vars.yml)} usersTable: tableName: ${file(./table-vars.yml):usersTable}
Deep File References
# variables.ymltableNames: ${file(./table-names.yml)}# This will not be converted to table-names.stage.yml
Recursive/Nested Variable File Names:
# serverless.ymlcustom: ${file(./${}.json)}
Avoiding Limitations
Move all of these references to the variables.yml
and take advantage of stage overrides.
# serverless.ymlplugins: - serverless-plugin-composed-varsprovider: stackName: ${self:custom.stackName}functions: hello: handler: handler.hello events: ${self:custom.helloEvents} hi: handler: handler.hi events: - schedule: ${self:custom.globalSchedule}resources: Resources: itemsTable: ${self:custom.itemsTable} usersTable: tableName: ${self:custom.tableNames.usersTable}
# variables.ymlstackName: My StackhelloEvents: - http - scheduleschedule: globalSchedule: 1 houritemsTable: ${file(./items-table-vars.yml)}tableNames: ${file(./table-names.yml)}
# My Production Stackschedule: globalSchedule: 5 minutesitemsTable: ${file(./}tableNames: ${file(./}