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Serverless M


Serverless M (or Serverless Modular) is a plugin for the serverless framework. This plugins helps you in managing multiple serverless projects with a single serverless.yml file. This plugin gives you a super charged CLI options that you can use to create new features, build them in a single file and deploy them all in parallel

Currently this plugin is tested for the below stack only

  • AWS
  • NodeJS λ
  • Rest API (You can use other events as well)


Make sure you have the serverless CLI installed

# Install serverless globally
$ npm install serverless -g

Getting Started

To start the serverless modular project locally you can either start with es5 or es6 templates or add it as a plugin

ES6 Template install

# Step 1. Download the template
$ sls create --template-url --path myModularService
# Step 2. Change directory
$ cd myModularService
# Step 3. Create a package.json file
$ npm init
# Step 3. Install dependencies
$ npm i serverless-modular serverless-webpack webpack --save-dev

ES5 Template install

# Step 1. Download the template
$ sls create --template-url --path myModularService
# Step 2. Change directory
$ cd myModularService
# Step 3. Create a package.json file
$ npm init
# Step 3. Install dependencies
$ npm i serverless-modular --save-dev

If you dont want to use the templates above you can just add in your existing project

Adding it as plugin

- serverless-modular

Now you are all done to start building your serverless modular functions

API Reference

The serverless CLI can be accessed by

# Serverless Modular CLI
$ serverless modular
# shorthand
$ sls m

Serverless Modular CLI is based on 4 main commands

  • sls m init
  • sls m feature
  • sls m function
  • sls m build
  • sls m deploy

init command

sls m init

The serverless init command helps in creating a basic .gitignore that is useful for serverless modular.

The basic .gitignore for serverless modular looks like this

#sm main functions
#serverless file generated by build
#main serverless directories generated for sls deploy
#feature serverless directories generated sls deploy
#serverless logs file generated for main sls deploy
#serverless logs file generated for feature sls deploy
#Webpack config copied in each feature

feature command

The feature command helps in building new features for your project

options (feature Command)

This command comes with three options

--name: Specify the name you want for your feature

--remove: set value to true if you want to remove the feature

--basePath: Specify the basepath you want for your feature, this base path should be unique for all features. helps in running offline with offline plugin and for API Gateway

optionsshortcutrequiredvaluesdefault value
--remove-rtrue, falsefalse
--basePath-pstringsame as name

Examples (feature Command)

Creating a basic feature
# Creating a jedi feature
$ sls m feature -n jedi
Creating a feature with different base path
# A feature with different base path
$ sls m feature -n jedi -p tatooine
Deleting a feature
# Anakin is going to delete the jedi feature
$ sls m feature -n jedi -r true

function command

The function command helps in adding new function to a feature

options (function Command)

This command comes with four options

--name: Specify the name you want for your function

--feature: Specify the name of the existing feature

--path: Specify the path for HTTP endpoint helps in running offline with offline plugin and for API Gateway

--method: Specify the path for HTTP method helps in running offline with offline plugin and for API Gateway

optionsshortcutrequiredvaluesdefault value
--path-pstringsame as name

Examples (function Command)

Creating a basic function
# Creating a cloak function for jedi feature
$ sls m function -n cloak -f jedi
Creating a basic function with different path and method
# Creating a cloak function for jedi feature with custom path and HTTP method
$ sls m function -n cloak -f jedi -p powers -m POST

build command

The build command helps in building the project for local or global scope

options (build Command)

This command comes with four options

--scope: Specify the scope of the build, use this with "--feature" tag

--feature: Specify the name of the existing feature you want to build

optionsshortcutrequiredvaluesdefault value
Saving build Config in serverless.yml

You can also save config in serverless.yml file

scope: local

Examples (build Command)

all feature build (local scope)
# Building all local features
$ sls m build
Single feature build (local scope)
# Building a single feature
$ sls m build -f jedi -s local
All features build global scope
# Building all features with global scope
$ sls m build -s global

deploy command

The deploy command helps in deploying serverless projects to AWS (it uses sls deploy command)

options (deploy Command)

This command comes with four options

--sm-parallel: Specify if you want to deploy parallel (will only run in parallel when doing multiple deployments)

--sm-scope: Specify if you want to deploy local features or global

--sm-features: Specify the local features you want to deploy (comma separated if multiple)

optionsshortcutrequiredvaluesdefault value
--sm-paralleltrue, falsetrue
--sm-scopelocal, globallocal
Saving deploy Config in serverless.yml

You can also save config in serverless.yml file

scope: local
parallel: true
ignoreBuild: true

Examples (deploy Command)

Deploy all features locally
# deploy all local features
$ sls m deploy
Deploy all features globally
# deploy all global features
$ sls m deploy --sm-scope global
Deploy single feature
# deploy all global features
$ sls m deploy --sm-features jedi
Deploy Multiple features
# deploy all global features
$ sls m deploy --sm-features jedi,sith,dark_side
Deploy Multiple features in sequence
# deploy all global features
$ sls m deploy --sm-features jedi,sith,dark_side --sm-parallel false

remove command

The remove command helps in removing serverless projects from AWS (it uses sls remove command)

options (remove Command)

This command comes with four options

--sm-parallel: Specify if you want to remove parallel (will only run in parallel when doing multiple removals)

--sm-scope: Specify if you want to remove local features or global

--sm-features: Specify the local features you want to remove (comma separated if multiple)

optionsshortcutrequiredvaluesdefault value
--sm-paralleltrue, falsetrue
--sm-scopelocal, globallocal
Saving remove Config in serverless.yml

You can also save config in serverless.yml file

scope: local
parallel: true

Examples (remove Command)

Remove all features locally
# remove all local features
$ sls m remove
Remove all features globally
# remove all global features
$ sls m remove --sm-scope global
Remove single feature
# remove all local features
$ sls m remove --sm-features jedi
Remove Multiple features
# remove all local features
$ sls m remove --sm-features jedi,sith,dark_side
Remove Multiple features in sequence
# remove all local features in sequence
$ sls m remove --sm-features jedi,sith,dark_side --sm-parallel false


  • Amin Ahmed Khan - Project Creator - aa2kb