A Serverless plugin for transporting Cloudwatch log groups within your CloudFormation stack into Elasticsearch.
Table of Contents
Install the plugin in your project:
$ yarn add serverless-es-logs --dev$ npm install serverless-es-logs --save-dev
Add the plugin to your serverless.yml
plugins: - serverless-es-logs
Define your configuration using the custom
configuration option in serverless.yml
custom: esLogs: endpoint: index: some-index
Your logs will now be transported to the specified elasticsearch instance using the provided index.
(Optional) The filter pattern that the Cloudwatch subscription should use for your API Gateway access
logs. Default is [event]
, but you can override this to provide a pattern that will match your custom
access logs format. See
Cloudwatch filter pattern syntax
for more info.
custom: esLogs: apiGWFilterPattern: '[request_timestamp, apigw_request_id, http_method, resource_path, request_status, response_latency]'provider: logs: restApi: format: '$context.requestTimeEpoch $context.requestId $context.httpMethod $context.resourcePath $context.status $context.responseLatency'
(Required) The endpoint of the Elasticsearch instance the logs should be transported to.
custom: esLogs: endpoint:
(Optional) The filter pattern that the Cloudwatch subscription should use for your lambda
functions. Default is [timestamp=*Z, request_id="*-*", event]
. See
Cloudwatch filter pattern syntax
for more info.
custom: esLogs: filterPattern: '[timestamp=*Z, request_id="*-*", event]'
(Optional) An option to capture access logs created by API Gateway and transport them to Elasticsearch.
custom: esLogs: includeApiGWLogs: trueprovider: name: aws logs: restApi: true
(Required) The Elasticsearch index that should be applied to the logs.
custom: esLogs: index: some-index
(Optional) The separator to use when creating the date suffix for the index. Default is .
The format of the index will be: <index>-YYYY<indexDateSeparator>MM<indexDateSeparator>DD
custom: esLogs: indexDateSeparator: '-'
This will result in a date like 2020-04-20
(Optional) The number of days that Cloudwatch logs should persist. Default is to never expire.
custom: esLogs: retentionInDays: 7
(Optional) Custom tags that should be applied to every log message processed by this plugin and sent to elasticsearch as fields.
custom: esLogs: tags: some_tag: something some_other_tag: something_else
(Optional) Override role management for the log processer lambda and use the manually specified default role. Default is false.
custom: esLogs: useDefaultRole: trueprovider: name: aws role: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyCustomRole
(Optional) VPC configuration for the log processor lambda to have.
custom: esLogs: vpc: securityGroupIds: - sg-123456789 subnetIds: - subnet-123456789 - subnet-223456789 - subnet-323456789
(Optional) Adds AWS Xray writing permissions to the processor lambda. You will need these if you enable tracing for ApiGateway on your service.
custom: esLogs: xrayTracingPermissions: trueprovider: tracing: apiGateway: true
(Optional) Sets the reservedConcurrency of the lambda
custom: esLogs: reservedConcurrency: 3provider: tracing: apiGateway: true