Serverless Ephemeral

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Serverless Ephemeral (or Serephem) is a Serverless Framework plugin that helps bundle any stateless library into a Lambda deployment artifact.


  • Node >= 6.9
  • Serverless Framework >= 1.12.0
  • Docker (with docker compose)


Add the plugin

  1. Install it

    npm i --save-dev serverless-ephemeral
  2. Add it to your serverless.yml file and exclude the .ephemeral directory

    - serverless-ephemeral
    - package.json
    - package-lock.json
    - node_modules/**
    - .ephemeral/**
  3. Add the .ephemeral directory to .gitignore

# Serverless Framework


The configuration for the Ephemeral plugin is set inside the custom section of the serverless.yml file. In it, you can define the list of stateless libraries you wish to pull into the final Lambda artifact.

There are two types of configuration:

Both can be enhanced with global configuration options.

Build a library

You can build a specific library during runtime. This is achieved via a Docker container that outputs a zip library.

The Serepehm plugin provides some useful packagers out of the box. However, you can create your own packager via Docker files.

Serephem packagers

You can use one of the Docker packagers provided with the Serephem plugin.

- packager:
name: tensorflow
version: 1.8.0
  • is required. This is the packager name identifier for TensorFlow: tensorflow
  • packager.version is required. This will determine which TensorFlow version you want to build.

Build your own packager

You can create your own packager via Docker. To do so:

  1. Create a directory where you will store all your Docker files:

    mkdir my-packager
    cd my-packager
  2. Create a docker-compose.yml file. For example:

    version: "3"
    build: .

    Keep note of the name of your packager service, in this case packager.

  3. Create a Dockerfile and any other support files. For example:


    FROM amazonlinux
    COPY scripts/ scripts/
    RUN yum -y install zip && \
    chmod +x scripts/
    CMD [ "scripts/" ]


    # create zip destination directory
    mkdir -p /tmp/lambda-libraries
    # download library files
    mkdir /tmp/files
    cd /tmp/files
    curl --output
    curl --output
    zip -9rq /tmp/lambda-libraries/ *

    IMPORTANT: the container must generate a zip file containing the stateless library files. Thus:

    • Your container must zip the stateless library files.

    • You must create a directory where the final zip(s) will be stored. This directory will be mounted to the Serephem's libraries directory, so add only the necessary zip files.

    • It is recommended that your Docker container extends from amazonlinux image to maximize compatibility with the Lambda environment.

  4. Add this configuration to your serverless.yml:

    - packager:
    compose: my-packager/docker-compose.yml
    service: packager
    output: /tmp/lambda-libraries/

    Notice how each of the values correspond to a setting previously created:

    • compose: points to your Docker compose file, inside the directory you created

    • service: the name of the service inside the docker-compose.yml file

    • output: the output path for the zip file in the Docker container

Download a library

You can download a previously zipped library that contains all the necessary files and automatically add it to your Lambda deployment.

- url:
  • url is required. This is the packaged library you want to include. The library must be a zip file.

Documentation explaining how to create a deployable TensorFlow zipped package can be found here: docs/ This approach can be used as a base to create other stateless libraries.

Global options

- packager:
name: tensorflow
version: 1.8.0
directory: tfpackage
- url:
nocache: true
  • directory is optional. When ommitted, the package contents will be unzipped at service root level. If entered, a new folder will be created at that level using the specified name and everything will be unzipped there. The folder can only be named using alphanumeric characters and the symbols . _ -

  • nocache is optional. When ommitted or set to false, it will use the locally cached copy of the library. Otherwise, if set to true, it will re-fetch (download or build) the library every time the service is packaged.

    Note: the forceDownload option has been deprecated in favor of nocache


Deploy your service normally with the serverless deploy (or sls deploy) command. If you use the -v option, Ephemeral will show more information about the process.

sls deploy -v

If the Serverless deployment is timing out, use the AWS_CLIENT_TIMEOUT environment variable:

The .ephemeral directory

During the deployment process, the .ephemeral directory will be created. The purpose of this directory is:

  • Saving the libraries' zip files inside the .ephemeral/lib folder
  • Bundling the libraries and the Serverless Lambda function file(s) inside the .ephemeral/pkg folder


This plugin is created with Node and uses the Serverless Framework hooks to execute the necessary actions.

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install dependencies via npm i

Running Lint

The plugin code uses the AirBnB ESLint rule set with some enhancements (see .eslintrc file). To run the linter:

npm run lint


The unit tests are coded with Ava and SinonJS. They can be found inside the spec folder.

To run the tests:

npm test

To run tests on "watch" mode and add verbosity:

npm test -- --watch -v

Test via examples

Refer to the examples directory, for instance the TensorFlow example.