Trademark Usage

The following guidelines apply to the use of all Serverless Marks licensed pursuant to the Terms:

1. You must use the appropriate legend for the Mark: ® for registered trademarks, TM for unregistered trademarks, and SM for unregistered service marks.
2. You shall not use any Serverless Mark to disparage Serverless, its products or services, or in a manner which, in Serverless’s reasonable judgment, may diminish or damage its goodwill in the Mark or imply endorsement by Serverless.You agree to cease all such uses upon written notification by Serverless. You agree not to take any action which might lead a third party to think Serverless’s Mark is owned by you, or which might adversely impact Serverless’s reputation. You shall at all times use the Serverless Marks in a manner consistent with trademark laws.
3. You shall notify Serverless immediately of any improper, infringing, confusing or unauthorized use of Serverless’s Marks of which you become aware.
4. You shall not alter the appearance of any Serverless Mark or obscure such Mark in any way. Changing the color, font, or proportions of any Serverless Mark is prohibited.
5. Questions concerning proper use of the Marks shall be directed to

This document is an adaptation of the Heroku Trademark Usage. The original work has been modified. Heroku Inc. is not connected with and does not sponsor or endorse Serverless or its use of the work.