Create and Deploy Azure Function using Service Bus Queue as a trigger event.

This example demonstrates how to create and deploy an Azure Function which has Service Bus Queue as its trigger event using Serverless Framework.


  • This app will create and deploy an Azure Function which would be triggered when a message would arrive in a Service Bus Queue.
  • This app also exposes an http endpoint to send a sample message to service bus queue.

How it works

The serverless.yml would define an Azure Function handler with its trigger event as Service Bus and by providing necessary details about the service bus - queue name and connection string. Whenever a message would arrive in defined service bus queue, an azure function would be invoked and sent message would be processed in its handler.

To send a sample message on defined service bus queue, serverless.yml declares one sample http POST end point. This can be used to send a message on defined service bus queue.


1. Install Project Dependencies

npm install in this directory to download the modules from package.json.

2. To run the azure function locally using serverlesss offline --stage dev

The serverless offline --stage dev command will let you try and test your azure function locally.

Before running this command -

  1. You need to create a service bus queue on Azure Portal and provide the connection string in serverless.yml as an environment variable and refer this environment variable name in "connection" hook.
# in serverless.yml
- serviceBus:
queueName: '<YourServiceBusQueueName>'
accessRights: manage
  1. Define Service Bus details - Connection string and queuename- in file. This connection string & queuename would be used in serviceBusMessageSender.ts file to send sample message to service bus queue.
# in file

Once this is done, run the command serverless offline --stage dev.

The console would show the output message which should look something like this -

Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
sendMessage: [POST] http://localhost:7071/api/v3/send
sampleHandler: serviceBusTrigger
For detailed output, run func with --verbose flag.
[2020-10-30T07:54:23.803] Worker process started and initialized.

3. To deploy the azure function using serverless deploy --stage dev

  1. Provide the appropriate Service Bus details in serverless.yml & file as mentioned in step #2.

  2. Provide the desired azure resourceGroup, subscriptionId,region and stage values in serverless.yml to deploy the app on Azure.

Once above steps are done, run the command serverless deploy --env dev.

The console would show the output message which should look something like this -

Serverless: Finished uploading blob
Serverless: -> Function package uploaded successfully
Serverless: Deployed serverless functions:
Serverless: -> Function App not ready. Retry 0 of 30...
Serverless: -> Function App not ready. Retry 1 of 30...
Serverless: -> Function App not ready. Retry 2 of 30...
Serverless: -> sendMessage: [POST] sls-<region>

4. To test the sample end point and invoke the function -

  1. Send a sample message on service bus using ../api/api/v3/send end point:

Send a POST request on ../api/api/v3/send endpoint with following payload -

"id": 101,
"name": "AnyName",
"gender": "Male/Female",
"age": 30

When the service bus receives the above sample message, it will invoke another azure function - sampleHandler and it shall print the above payload on console. The console would show the output message which should look something like this -

[2020-10-30T08:20:07.998] Executed 'Functions.sendMessage' (Succeeded, Id=f08ed5e7-5bd2-4c7c-8054-e23cad3dbb82, Duration=317ms)
[2020-10-30T08:20:11.001] Executing 'Functions.sampleHandler' (Reason='New ServiceBus message detected on 'myqueuename'.', Id=abbb78d1-a19c-4ea7-b8a7-3ae6e9c6e66d)
[2020-10-30T08:20:11.005] Trigger Details: MessageId: 83840f43a8824791bc2c9624d68ea1c2, DeliveryCount: 2, EnqueuedTime: 10/30/2020 8:20:10 AM, LockedUntil: 10/30/2020 8:20:40 AM, SessionId: (null)
[2020-10-30T08:20:11.023] [2020-10-30T13:50:11.022+05:30][INFO][src\controller\triggerFunctionController.ts]: Azure function has been trigged with message {"id":10,"name":"Kurshit","gender":"Male","age":27} in service bus
[2020-10-30T08:20:11.026] Executed 'Functions.sampleHandler' (Succeeded, Id=abbb78d1-a19c-4ea7-b8a7-3ae6e9c6e66d, Duration=39ms)