Send SMS Message with Twilio

Use Cases:
- Sending users confirmation text messages
Sign up for a Twilio account
Create a new phone number in your Twilio trial account
Grab your ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN from the Twilio console and plug those into the
file in the next step -
Set your
variables inserverless.yml
with your Twilio account valuesenvironment:# replace these env variables with your twilio account valuesTWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID: YOUR-TWILIO-ACCOUNT-SID-HERETWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN: YOUR-TWILIO-AUTH-TOKEN-HERETWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER: YOUR-TWILIO-PHONE-NUMBER-HEREIf you want to use encrypted API keys, see our encrypted environment variables example
Install the dependencies required by the service
npm i --only=prod -
Deploy the service
serverless deploy -
Invoke the function and send an SMS message
Update the
phone number theevent.json
file andmessage
to send in the SMSThen invoke the function with the serverless CLI. Set the
--path event.json
so the function knows where to send the SMS.serverless invoke -f sendText --path event.json -
(Optional) Deploy the front-end application
variable in the /frontend/index.html
file and deploy the /frontend
folder to a static host of your choice.
We recommend S3, netlify, or for quick and easy static site hosting.