Serverless AWS Resource Names

Serverless plugin to alter the default naming conventions for sls resources via a simple mapping file.

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Serverless plugin to enable custom AWS resource names


Install the plugin to your project:

npm install serverless-aws-resource-names --save

Add the plugin and its configuration to your serverless project:

  - serverless-aws-resource-names
    source: mapping.json

Create the mapping.json file in your project and modify the names to your hearts desire!

    "template": {
        "compiled": "cloudformation-template-update-stack.json",
        "core": "cloudformation-template-create-stack.json"
    "stack": "$service-$stage",
    "role": {
        "Fn::Join": [
            "-", [
    "policy": {
        "Fn::Join": [
            "-", [
    "apiGateway": "$stage-$service",
    "lambda": "$service-$stage-$lambda",
    "logGroup": "/aws/lambda/$service-$stage-$lambda"

Mapping Variable Reference

  • $service - Refers to the service attribute in your serverless.yml
  • $stage - Refers to the stage which you deploy to via serverless e.g. sls deploy -s dev
  • $region - Refers to the AWS region that you are deploying to. This is configured in your serverless.yml under the provider.region attribute or by your AWS CLI configuration.
  • $lambda - Refers to the name of your lambda function, defined in your serverless.yml under the functions attribute.
  • $rand - Globally replaces all instances with a random UUID.

Custom Variables

You can define custom variables in your serverless.yml file:

  - serverless-aws-resource-names
    source: mapping.json
      functionSuffix: func

And then use these custom variables in your mapping.json file:

    "lambda": "$service-$stage-$lambda-$functionSuffix",

Here we've defined a custom variable functionSuffix and assigned it the value 'func'.

This will append the string 'func' to all of your Lambda function names.