Google - Invoke

Invokes a deployed function using a POST request. You can send event data, read logs and display other important information of the function invocation.

serverless invoke --function functionName


  • --function or -f The name of the function in your service that you want to invoke. Required.
  • --data or -d Data you want to pass into the function.


Simple function invocation

serverless invoke --function functionName

This example will invoke the deployed function and output the result of the invocation in the terminal.

Function invocation with data

serverless invoke --function functionName --data '{"name": "Bernie"}'

This example will invoke the function with the provided data and output the result in the terminal.

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Google - Invoke

Invokes a deployed function using a POST request. You can send event data, read logs and display other important information of the function invocation.

serverless invoke --function functionName


  • --function or -f The name of the function in your service that you want to invoke. Required.
  • --data or -d Data you want to pass into the function.


Simple function invocation

serverless invoke --function functionName

This example will invoke the deployed function and output the result of the invocation in the terminal.

Function invocation with data

serverless invoke --function functionName --data '{"name": "Bernie"}'

This example will invoke the function with the provided data and output the result in the terminal.