Upgrade Guide

Connect AWS & Add Instrumentation

The new monitoring features require an integration with AWS. The previous version of Serverless Dashboard created this integration from the CLI when a service was deployed. The new version of Serverless Dashboard provides two options for adding the integration, you can use the Dashboard UI or the CLI.

The Dashboard UI is the easier method of the two, as it does not require the Serverless Framework to be upgrade, and it does not require redeployment.

Using the Dashboard UI

To enable the new monitoring, you must first create an integration with AWS in Serverless Dashboard, and instrument each AWS Lambda function.

When you visit any of the monitoring features in Dashboard, you will be prompted to add the Integration if one doesn't already exist. You can also visit Settings > Integrations to create the integration.

Once the integration is created, you will be prompted on the app view page to add the instrumentation. You can also visit Settings > Instrumentation, and click Edit on the Integration to enable instrumentation on functions one-by-one or in bulk.

Using the CLI

Update the Serverless Framework CLI to version 3.35.0 or higher.

npm install serverless --global

As an existing Serverless Dashboard user, the serverless.yml will already contain org and app properties. These properties are required for Serverless Dashboard to continue working.

Redeploy your service.

serverless deploy

The first time you deploy your service after upgrading the Serverless Framework, the CLI will create the Dashboard integration, including the necessary IAM Role.

Additionally, the service must be instrumented, which is done automatically upon deployment. The instrumentation adds the AWS CloudWatch Log subscription and adds the necessary AWS Lambda layer.

To use the new monitoring, you must redeploy each service with this version.

Alternatively, you can use the Dashboard UI to both add the integration and the instrumentation to each function. This does not require upgrade or deployment.

Updating serverless.yml

For majority of users no changes are necessary to the serverless.yml; however, if you used one of the less frequently used features, you may need to make updates to your serverless.yml file to remove dependencies on deprecated features.

Remove reference to logIngestMode

When Dashboard monitoring was first released, there was a limit of one subscription per CloudWatch Log Group. Since then, the limit has increased to two. This means that the logIngestMode option is no longer necessary in most orgs.

Remove references in serverless.yml to custom.enterprise.logIngestMode:

    logIngestMode: pull

Replace reference to disableAwsSpan and disableHttpSpan

These two options disable the automatic collection of AWS and HTTP Spans in traces. Previous these options were avilable in custom.enterprise in the serverless.yml file. These options have been replaced with environment variables that must be set on the lambda function.

    disableAwsSpan: true
    disableHttpSpans: true

Set the environment variables on all the functions in the serverless.yml


Replace collectLambdaLogs

If you are using features like Parameters, Providers, or Outputs, but not using the Monitoring features, you can disable monitoring. We've simplified the syntax for disabling monitoring in Dashboard.

This option is now deprecated:

    collectLambdaLogs: false

Use the monitor option to disable monitoring instead:

  disableMonitoring: true

Remove Dashboard SDK Wrapping (optional)

The Serverless Framework automatically includes the Dashboard SDK in the Lambda package by wrpaping the AWS Lambda function handler on deployment. As of version 3.35.0+ of the Serverless Framework, the Dashboard SDK has been replaced with no-op methods as to not break deployments. The next major release of the Serverless Framework will fully deprecate the Dashboard SDK and disable wrapping.

If you used the Dashboard SDK, you'll need to follow the "Update Node.js SDK" and "Update Python SDK" sections to update the SDK usage.

In some cases, the Dashboard SDK wrapping may break your code. In these cases wrapping is automatically disabled:

  • You are using .mjs files
  • You have set "type": "module" in package.json
  • You are using Python version 3.11 or higher

You can also manually disable the Wrapping by including the following in your serverless.yml.

    disableWrapping: true

Updating Node.js SDK

The Serverless Framework Dashboard SDK has been deprecated and replaced with the Serverless SDK. The new Serverless SDK provides support for additional features. In most cases the methods are drop-in replacements; however, some methods have been replaced with new methods.

Loading SDK

The Dashboard SDK can be loaded either by requiring ./serverless_sdk or by using the methods automatically loaded in context.serverlessSdk.

The context.serverlessSdk methods are now deprecated and therefore you will need to load the SDK via require("@serverless/sdk").

If you use require("./serverless_sdk") you will need to update your code to load the SDK via require("@serverless/sdk").

// Replace this
const serverlessSdk = require('./serverless_sdk');

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');

Replace captureError()

The captureError method for capturing errors in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK.

// Replace this

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');

Replace tagEvents()

The tagEvents method was available in Dashboard SDK for tagging the Traces. The setTag has been introduced to support tagging of both Traces and Events. To replace tagEvents use setTag to tag the Trace.

// Replace this
context.serverlessSdk.tagEvents('someKey', 'someValue', { demoUser: true });

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');
serverlessSdk.setTag('someKey', 'someValue');
serverlessSdk.setTag('demoUser', true);

The third parameter in tagEvents allowed for adding additional context that was not searchable in Dashboard. The Serverless SDK does not support such a parameter and instead, it is recommended that you add this additional context as new tags.

Replace span()

The span method for creating spans in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK using the createSpan method.

// Replace this
context.serverlessSdk.span('some-label', () => {
  // Some work

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');
serverlessSdk.createSpan('some-label', () => {
  // Some work

Replace setEndpoint()

The setEndpoint() method for setting the endpoint in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK.

// Repalce this

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');

Updating Python SDK

The Serverless Framework Dashboard SDK has been deprecated and replaced with the Serverless SDK. The new Serverless SDK provides support for additional features. In most cases the methods are drop-in replacements; however, some methods have been replaced with new methods.

Loading SDK

The Dashboard SDK can be loaded adding the serverless_sdk module or by using the methods automatically loaded in context.serverless_sdk.

The context.serverless_sdk methods are now deprecated and therefore you will need to load the SDK by adding the serverless_sdk module.

If you load the module you'll need to replace serverless_sdk with sls_sdk.

# Replace this
from serverless_sdk import capture_exception, span, tag_event, set_endpoint

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk

Replace capture_error()

The capture_error method for capturing errors in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK.

# Replace this

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk;

Replace tag_event()

The tag_event method was available in Dashboard SDK for tagging the Traces. The set_tag has been introduced to support tagging of both Traces and Events. To replace tag_event use set_tag to tag the Trace.

# Replace this
context.serverless_sdk.tag_event('someKey', 'someValue', { 'demoUser': 'true' });

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk
serverlessSdk.set_tag('someKey', 'someValue');
serverlessSdk.set_tag('demoUser', 'true');

The third parameter in tag_event allowed for adding additional context that was not searchable in Dashboard. The Serverless SDK does not support such a parameter and instead, it is recommended that you add this additional context as new tags.

Replace span()

The span method for creating spans in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK using the create_span method.

# Replace this
with context.serverless_sdk.span('some-label'):
  pass # some work

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk
with serverlessSdk.create_span('some-label'):
  pass # some work

Replace set_endpoint()

The set_endpoint() method for setting the endpoint in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK.

# Repalce this

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk
Edit this page

Upgrade Guide

Connect AWS & Add Instrumentation

The new monitoring features require an integration with AWS. The previous version of Serverless Dashboard created this integration from the CLI when a service was deployed. The new version of Serverless Dashboard provides two options for adding the integration, you can use the Dashboard UI or the CLI.

The Dashboard UI is the easier method of the two, as it does not require the Serverless Framework to be upgrade, and it does not require redeployment.

Using the Dashboard UI

To enable the new monitoring, you must first create an integration with AWS in Serverless Dashboard, and instrument each AWS Lambda function.

When you visit any of the monitoring features in Dashboard, you will be prompted to add the Integration if one doesn't already exist. You can also visit Settings > Integrations to create the integration.

Once the integration is created, you will be prompted on the app view page to add the instrumentation. You can also visit Settings > Instrumentation, and click Edit on the Integration to enable instrumentation on functions one-by-one or in bulk.

Using the CLI

Update the Serverless Framework CLI to version 3.35.0 or higher.

npm install serverless --global

As an existing Serverless Dashboard user, the serverless.yml will already contain org and app properties. These properties are required for Serverless Dashboard to continue working.

Redeploy your service.

serverless deploy

The first time you deploy your service after upgrading the Serverless Framework, the CLI will create the Dashboard integration, including the necessary IAM Role.

Additionally, the service must be instrumented, which is done automatically upon deployment. The instrumentation adds the AWS CloudWatch Log subscription and adds the necessary AWS Lambda layer.

To use the new monitoring, you must redeploy each service with this version.

Alternatively, you can use the Dashboard UI to both add the integration and the instrumentation to each function. This does not require upgrade or deployment.

Updating serverless.yml

For majority of users no changes are necessary to the serverless.yml; however, if you used one of the less frequently used features, you may need to make updates to your serverless.yml file to remove dependencies on deprecated features.

Remove reference to logIngestMode

When Dashboard monitoring was first released, there was a limit of one subscription per CloudWatch Log Group. Since then, the limit has increased to two. This means that the logIngestMode option is no longer necessary in most orgs.

Remove references in serverless.yml to custom.enterprise.logIngestMode:

    logIngestMode: pull

Replace reference to disableAwsSpan and disableHttpSpan

These two options disable the automatic collection of AWS and HTTP Spans in traces. Previous these options were avilable in custom.enterprise in the serverless.yml file. These options have been replaced with environment variables that must be set on the lambda function.

    disableAwsSpan: true
    disableHttpSpans: true

Set the environment variables on all the functions in the serverless.yml


Replace collectLambdaLogs

If you are using features like Parameters, Providers, or Outputs, but not using the Monitoring features, you can disable monitoring. We've simplified the syntax for disabling monitoring in Dashboard.

This option is now deprecated:

    collectLambdaLogs: false

Use the monitor option to disable monitoring instead:

  disableMonitoring: true

Remove Dashboard SDK Wrapping (optional)

The Serverless Framework automatically includes the Dashboard SDK in the Lambda package by wrpaping the AWS Lambda function handler on deployment. As of version 3.35.0+ of the Serverless Framework, the Dashboard SDK has been replaced with no-op methods as to not break deployments. The next major release of the Serverless Framework will fully deprecate the Dashboard SDK and disable wrapping.

If you used the Dashboard SDK, you'll need to follow the "Update Node.js SDK" and "Update Python SDK" sections to update the SDK usage.

In some cases, the Dashboard SDK wrapping may break your code. In these cases wrapping is automatically disabled:

  • You are using .mjs files
  • You have set "type": "module" in package.json
  • You are using Python version 3.11 or higher

You can also manually disable the Wrapping by including the following in your serverless.yml.

    disableWrapping: true

Updating Node.js SDK

The Serverless Framework Dashboard SDK has been deprecated and replaced with the Serverless SDK. The new Serverless SDK provides support for additional features. In most cases the methods are drop-in replacements; however, some methods have been replaced with new methods.

Loading SDK

The Dashboard SDK can be loaded either by requiring ./serverless_sdk or by using the methods automatically loaded in context.serverlessSdk.

The context.serverlessSdk methods are now deprecated and therefore you will need to load the SDK via require("@serverless/sdk").

If you use require("./serverless_sdk") you will need to update your code to load the SDK via require("@serverless/sdk").

// Replace this
const serverlessSdk = require('./serverless_sdk');

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');

Replace captureError()

The captureError method for capturing errors in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK.

// Replace this

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');

Replace tagEvents()

The tagEvents method was available in Dashboard SDK for tagging the Traces. The setTag has been introduced to support tagging of both Traces and Events. To replace tagEvents use setTag to tag the Trace.

// Replace this
context.serverlessSdk.tagEvents('someKey', 'someValue', { demoUser: true });

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');
serverlessSdk.setTag('someKey', 'someValue');
serverlessSdk.setTag('demoUser', true);

The third parameter in tagEvents allowed for adding additional context that was not searchable in Dashboard. The Serverless SDK does not support such a parameter and instead, it is recommended that you add this additional context as new tags.

Replace span()

The span method for creating spans in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK using the createSpan method.

// Replace this
context.serverlessSdk.span('some-label', () => {
  // Some work

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');
serverlessSdk.createSpan('some-label', () => {
  // Some work

Replace setEndpoint()

The setEndpoint() method for setting the endpoint in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK.

// Repalce this

// with this
const serverlessSdk = require('@serverless/sdk');

Updating Python SDK

The Serverless Framework Dashboard SDK has been deprecated and replaced with the Serverless SDK. The new Serverless SDK provides support for additional features. In most cases the methods are drop-in replacements; however, some methods have been replaced with new methods.

Loading SDK

The Dashboard SDK can be loaded adding the serverless_sdk module or by using the methods automatically loaded in context.serverless_sdk.

The context.serverless_sdk methods are now deprecated and therefore you will need to load the SDK by adding the serverless_sdk module.

If you load the module you'll need to replace serverless_sdk with sls_sdk.

# Replace this
from serverless_sdk import capture_exception, span, tag_event, set_endpoint

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk

Replace capture_error()

The capture_error method for capturing errors in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK.

# Replace this

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk;

Replace tag_event()

The tag_event method was available in Dashboard SDK for tagging the Traces. The set_tag has been introduced to support tagging of both Traces and Events. To replace tag_event use set_tag to tag the Trace.

# Replace this
context.serverless_sdk.tag_event('someKey', 'someValue', { 'demoUser': 'true' });

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk
serverlessSdk.set_tag('someKey', 'someValue');
serverlessSdk.set_tag('demoUser', 'true');

The third parameter in tag_event allowed for adding additional context that was not searchable in Dashboard. The Serverless SDK does not support such a parameter and instead, it is recommended that you add this additional context as new tags.

Replace span()

The span method for creating spans in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK using the create_span method.

# Replace this
with context.serverless_sdk.span('some-label'):
  pass # some work

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk
with serverlessSdk.create_span('some-label'):
  pass # some work

Replace set_endpoint()

The set_endpoint() method for setting the endpoint in Dashboard SDK is available as a drop-in replacement in the Serverless SDK.

# Repalce this

# with this
from sls_sdk import serverlessSdk