Serverless Telegram Bot

This example demonstrates how to setup an echo Telegram Bot using the Serverless Framework ⚡🤖

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Serverless Telegram Bot

This example demonstrates how to setup an echo Telegram Bot using the Serverless Framework ⚡🤖


What do I need?

  • A AWS key configured locally, see here.
  • Python 3.7.
  • NodeJS. I tested with v8.9.0.
  • A Telegram account.


# Install the Serverless Framework
$ npm install serverless -g

# Install the necessary plugins
$ npm install

# Create and active a Python 3.7 venv
$ python3.7 -m venv venv && souce venv/bin/activate

# Get a bot from Telegram, sending this message to @BotFather
$ /newbot

# Put the token received into a file called serverless.env.yml, like this
$ cat serverless.env.yml
TELEGRAM_TOKEN: <your_token>

# Deploy it!
$ serverless deploy

# With the URL returned in the output, configure the Webhook
$ curl -X POST https://<your_url>

Now, just start a conversation with the bot :)