Serverless (Cron)icle #5 - News from the Serverless Community

Jul 21, 2017

The open source Serverless Framework is backed by a super smart and extensive community of developers (we've passed 17,000 stars on GitHub). Besides contributing code, our community is passionate about sharing their knowledge and expertise. Here's a roundup of some of these articles, videos, and posts to help you keep up with the news in the serverless ecosystem.

What is Serverless all about?

Serverless. The new hype buzzword is taking over the development universe, promising big savings in infrastructure for applications and less deployment headaches to developers. In an agile world, shipping scalable software with budget constraints has become a big puzzle: one that Serverless may solve. - By Jonatas Baldin

The Need for Asynchronous FaaS Call Chains in Serverless Systems

Functions as a Service (FaaS) provide massive gains in efficiency since users are no longer billed for idle time. FaaS is billed based on execution time and allocated resources — whether you use those resources or not. So time spent waiting is money wasted — and synchronous invocation of other functions means double billing. - By Ben Kehoe

Developing serverless backends with OpenWhisk and API Gateway integrations

As actions can be seen as flexible and independently deployable microservices they are perfectly suited to build up entirely serverless microservice backends that expose functions via APIs. In this context, APIs form the digital glue that links services, applications, sensors, and mobile devices to create compelling customer experiences and helps businesses to tap into new market opportunities. They allow you to bring new digital services to market, open revenue channels and exceed customer expectations. - By Andreas Nauerz

Let serverless solve the technology problems you don’t have

This is a story about how serverless can help you do the things you already know you should be doing but aren’t. The thing is you probably know all of this. Most of the people in your organization probably know all of this. So why aren’t you spending more of your time solving your business’ problems? - By Phillip Manwaring

Customizing The Serverless Framework With Plugins

So you already know the Serverless Framework - it’s handy for converting a pretty simple config format into a pretty complex CloudFormation template. When you’re deploying, it builds that template and uploads your code for you. But if this isn’t your first serverless application, you might have special requirements. I’ve had needs like custom metrics, performing extra security/preflight checks, or removing the auto-created resources (such as the Cognito User Pool) from the template and subbing in my own. - By Ryan S. Brown

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